Saturday, July 31, 2010

In the Beginning...

So first of all why am I writing? Simple I need to vent and a blog is way safer than a diary. Especially in my house with my little brother (mommy's favorite), my little sister (daddy's favorite), and my mother in an "omg my daughter is out having sex state" (which has become more valid lately ;)). There's only so many places I can hide my diary in my little room, but there's infinite space on the internet and I'm sure they'll never find it. So here we go.

So even though high school never ends, I can tell you where it started and no its not the first day of freshman year. "High School" the mindset started at the beginning of sophomore water polo season. I was so psyched for this season. Last year I spent the entire time trying not to drown and as far as the social stuff my best friend Abby (who I made join water polo and was even worse than I was...I mean really she couldn't swim in a straight line) and I mostly kept to ourselves, but this year was different. I made friends with Hannah, who was an incoming freshman, at water polo club where I learned to not drown. At the first fundraiser, I met Michelle (also a freshie), who although thought I was creepy for just coming up and talking to her, learned to love my friendship. I liked her to even when I figured out she wasn't the coach's daughter like I thought (they both had really curly hair so I got confused, btw her hair is where she gets her awesomness nickname of "Poof") And for some reason I cant remember I made friends with fellow Sophomore Chelsea. Even though she was on the team last year, she was a beast and scared everyone including me until that year.

So why did this start the "high school" mind-set? Because we became what others called a clique. I guess thats high school for group of friends?.